Strategic America client, Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning, needed deeper visibility into call outcomes and a method to capture missed sales opportunities. To help meet their needs, Strategic America and Marchex approached Service Experts with Marchex Sales Edge Rescue, a call monitoring and scoring application that flags missed opportunities in time to take action.
Using data from calls already being tracked, Service Experts found that a significant opportunity to capture missed revenue potentially existed. They deployed Marchex Sales Edge Rescue to generate immediate missed opportunity alerts to its support center. The support center team took immediate action on the alerts so Service Experts could gain a second chance to improve the customer experience and potentially make a sale from opportunities that were otherwise lost.
The immediacy of the alerts and the level of detail provided regarding why an opportunity was missed, allowed the team to call phone leads that didn’t convert and gain a second chance to gain a customer.
With Marchex Sales Edge Rescue, 25 percent of the attempts made to save opportunities resulted in appointments. Of these, 60 percent became new revenue customers with average revenue per customer far exceeding the industry average.